Today we traveled to the ancient ruins of Glanum, an ancient Roman city built over 2,000 years ago! We explored the ruins. I was in complete disbelief of the fact that they were so technologically advanced back then! The city had a functioning sewer, hot running water, and even indoor plumbing! These are things that even places today don't have access to. I can't believe that the romans were more advanced than some places are still today: it just blows my mind. Of course there was a giant mountain to climb and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to climb it. The view was, of course, spectacular. You could see all of St. Rémy and the hospital that Vincent Van Gogh was hospitalized after cutting off his ear. We were supposed to be able to take a tour of it, but it was closed.

Unfortunately, literally five minuets after getting off the bus, our professor twisted his ankle so badly that he had to go to the hospital. This ment that all 40 of us were on our own to explore the city for five hours and find the sites that we were supposed to be learning about. No one else on the trip had any idea where we were supposed to be going and or even what the name of the museum was. So we wandered aimlessly around the city trying to find out where it was because we knew which museums were NOT the right ones. It was quite an entertaining experience... minus our professor getting hurt. On our quest to find the museum some of us stopped in an old roman catholic church. The architecture was so beautiful! I really love stained glass, and there was a lot of it. Stain glass has a heavy influence on my art style. After we properly photographed the church we finally ran into someone who knew where we were supposed to be going. I feel like I would have been able to get a lot more out of the museum if it was in english instead of french.
Apparently it's where's
Charlie in France... |
Some other things happend afterwards that I would rather not talk about, but we made it to the bus and headed back to Lacoste. It was such a wonderful trip and I shall remember it forever.
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