Ello people! I hope you're having a nice day.

Today we went to Apt to get supplies and things that we didn't bring with us. Such a different feel from the states! They had a market. An actual market where the locals come together every Saturday morning to sell foods and hand made goods. I saw a handmade beret there that I really wanted but I didn't have enough euros with me to get it. The lady's craftsmanship was exceptional. My roommates and I wandered the market taking in all the sights and smells. We were approached by these two Frenchmen who were trying so hard to comunicate with us, but there was one problem: we don't speak enough french and they didn't speak any english. So it basically turned into a big game of charades that left us congratulating them on their apparent wedding. My friend Sarah says that's not what they were trying to say, but I think it was.

When Ms. Eleanor says they leave at 11:45 she really means 11:45. Thankfully we made it to the bus on time unlike a few unfortunate souls who had to get a taxi back. We drove to Point Julian: a ancient bridge built by the Romans in I think 500 BC. It was so cool! I couldn't believe that I actually was touching things and walking on the same ground that people have been doing so for thousands of years! I absolutely love history. There are so many cool stories that fiction writing can't even come up with!

Today I found out that one of my best friends, Cassidy, that I've known since we were in dipers had her baby! Daisy Starr was born yesterday at 4:29pm and weighs 6 lbs and 10 oz and is 20.5 inches long I am so happy for Cassidy and her husband Zach and I just can't wait to meet little Miss. Daisy when I get home! Ken and I were taking bets this week about when she was going to be born. I had a strong feeling that she was going to come as soon as both of us were clear of the country and I was right!
The steep hills here I think will either do me in, or make me in great shape when I get back! I really hope it's more the later. I think it's time to hit the sack, I have an early morning walking tour and Lacoste orientation in the morning. Goodnight y'all!
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