Today we traveled to another village to visit this guy who makes mosaic tables for a living. He was probably one of the coolest people I have ever met. The very first table he ever sold was to U2. Talk about a big break! He has sold his work to many celebraties and even to Carnegie Hall! Although after bragging about it on his website he had to take it down because he would have to pay around $400 a month to use their name because it's trademarked.

The mosaic man also had one of the most interesting historical collections I've ever seen and everything that he has he has found in the area. Everything from ancient coins, to artifacts, to bones. He even has found skeletons in his walls! Some of his walls are 3 meters think because they used to be a part of the castel wall. I told you that pretty much every town in France has a castel didn't I? When people would die they would either burry them in the castel wall to make them stronger or they would burry them as close as they could to the church: even inside the church walls.
Cannon Ball Mold |
It turns out that the town was one spared from the black plague that swept across Europe, killing millions. The reason they were spared? Horse sweat. The flees that carried the plague didn't like horse sweet and because the town was spared was that they smelled like horse sweat. The town mainly sold horses so everyone had one and they would spend all day in the barns and come in smelling like them causing the flees to, well, flee. It's amazing that if they had good hygiene they all would have died.
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