Hi people who may be reading this blog! My name is Allison. I've never done anything like this before, but I've been asked to keep a blog while I am studying abroad in Lacoste, France.
Ken and Me |
Let me tell you a little about myself: I am a Junior at the Savannah College of Art and Design and I'm from Cary, North Carolina. I'm here in Lacoste studying illustration and I hope to become a children's book illustrator when I graduate next spring.
I have been both excited for and dreading this trip because I know it's going to be very hard for me. This week my boyfriend, Ken, deployed to Afganistan. I am so thankful that I was able to see him off. I don't think I would be able to forgive myself if I wasn't there for him. I love him more than anything and I miss him so very much. I know that these next long months are going to be extremely hard. Everyone keeps telling me to keep busy and that will help the time go by faster. I hope they are right.

We arrived in Marseille this morning and then drove about an hour and a half to Lacoste. It was a LONG 9 hour flight that seemed even longer because there were these screaming babies on the flight that screamed the ENTIRE flight! I think we all have migraines now from them. The view was simply breathtaking as we flew closer and closer to Marseille and saw the alps in the distance and where they meet the ocean.

Lacoste is an old medieval village dating back to I believe the 15th century. There is so much history here. Lacoste is most famously known as the place where Marquis De Sade lived. When my roommates and I went exploring we climbed all the way up to the top of the hill where his castel is. Now famous fashion designer Piere Cardon lives there. The view from the top was phenomenal! I would have stayed up there longer but it was starting to get dark so I made the steep climb back down the mountain.
So far Lacoste seems to be a pretty cool place and I'm excited for the adventures that I will have here. Classes start monday and we are going to visit Apt, a local town, tomorrow to pick up supplies so I think I'm going to pass out now. Goodnight y'all!
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