Today was another great day! Jammed packed with wonderful things. We started out by going to the Catacombes. The bones of 6 million Parisians are buried there. What really hit us was that that's how many Jews were murdered during the Hollocast. These bones were collected over about 3 centuries and that's how many people the Nazi's killed in a little under 10 years. It just really put so much into perspective for us.

Next we went to the Natural history Museum. I wish we had more time to spend there because there were so many wonderful skeletons that I wish I could have sat down and drawn them for hours. I took lots and lots of reference pictures though from multiple angles to draw from though and I hope that it will help me with my anatomy, I have a strong feeling that it will.

I was so excited to find a skeleton of a Narwhal there because Ken does not believe that they are real so I now have my proof to show him that they do exist! I can't wait to show it to him! And to all the other people who have doubted their existence.

After we left the museum we were all feeling like we really needed to see something to cheer us up after seeing all those bones. Luckily, right across the path from us was a zoo! We could see all those animals that we had just seen skeletons of alive! It was just what we needed. I had the best time there running from animal to animal in utter amazement at what I was seeing. Most of these animals I had never seen before, except for the Guinea Pigs... which were kinda odd to find in a zoo- but they were cute so we didn't care. My favorite though was the Red Panda. I have always wanted to see one and now was finally my chance. They were so cute and fluffy! That made me so happy.

We after we rushed to meet up with our group that was heading up to Sacre Cour. Unfortunately it was cloudy so the view from on top of the hill wasn't very good. The church its self was beautiful, yet it did not top that of Notre Dame.
We wondered around up there for a while then we went by the Moulin Rouge to take a few pictures. It was quite beautiful lit up and covered in neon. We did not see a show there (thank goodness) we just wanted to see what it looked like.

Afterwards we went to dinner. Finally we tried traditional french food and I had my first taste of escargot. I was a little nervous about it because it's snail but it was delicious! I'm very glad I got to try it.
Finally, we ended our day at the Eiffel tower. We got there just in time to see it sparkle. It was so much bigger then any of us expected it to be! It was such a great thing to end such a wonderful day with.
I am so exhausted after today and I need to get to bed because tomorrow is our last day here and I want to make the most of it!
Goodnight Y'all!
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